Industry Transformation
Our aim is to grow ClayBrick into one of the strongest and most credible organisations in the industry, with all members standing together and working towards one goal and purpose ~ For Good; for the good of the environment, for the good of clay brick buyers and users and for the good of our communities
The ClayBrick industry has gone through a process of transformation. Since the implementation of the DMR's (Department Mineral Regulation) Mining Charter, some members have proactively empowered their staff with adult-based education and skills development training. Others have awarded their people with PSDP equity in their businesses.
Environmental Awareness
The ClayBrick industry, as a whole, has become more environmentally conscious. This is collectively due to environmental legislation, the Kyoto protocol, the implementation of the new Air Quality and Waste Management Bills, ClayBrick's involvement with the Green Building Council and its commitment to sustainable building, following conclusive evidence that Clay Bricks are more environmentally friendly than any other building material in South Africa.
In addition to a national drive to educate members on the implementation of Environmental Management Systems, these conditions have forced members to revisit their manufacturing operations, and look at the impact of their production methods on the environment, as well as on the overall performance of their products, from both an embodied energy and life cycle perspective. Other members, especially those still making use of traditional brick firing technologies, are poised to follow suit with alternative technologies that contribute towards a significantly cleaner environment.
Quality Standards
With product quality and performance being a prevalent standard of, more and more Clay Brick manufacturers are focusing on the implementation of ISO quality systems, an international quality measurement and management system that encompasses all aspects of the operation. Plans are also in place to educate and empower members through the process.
Clay Brick & Low Cost Housing
On the subject of quality, feels very strongly about the quality of housing being supplied to South Africa's poor. In contrast to the commitment of the Minister of Housing, Tokyo Sexwale, to provide better housing for all, the focus of certain government, municipal and regional decision-makers to minimise costs at any price has resulted in inferior building materials and sub-standard building methods being used for this segment of the market, and with dire consequences, has proved to be most disconcerting.
To support its theory of 'build properly' and a view to 'give people homes they deserve', has invested in two separate research studies to prove the performance of Clay Brick products as a long term housing solution. Never mind the sense of personal wealth, dignity and equality afforded to the occupants of these homes. Going forward, the challenge is to communicate these findings to decision makers at all levels of government, and demonstrate the long term value of building properly with a tried, trusted and proven building material, as opposed to a short term alternative.